

Homeopathy medicine is a form of medicine that treats like with like. This process then pushes the individuals own immunity to begin restoring balance. This means the ‘Vital Force’ within the body is stimulated. This force refers to the energy that controls the body and it is important that this energy is in balance to maintain the body’s natural healing power.

Orthodox medicine deals with suppressing symptoms and if the medication is stopped the symptoms the person is feeling often return. However, Homeopathic medicine involves giving small amounts of substances that produce similar symptoms, which increases individuals natural healing power.

Homeopathic Medicine can be used to treat acute and chronic problems. Some of the
conditions that Homeopathic Medicine can help to relieve are:

Allergies and Skin Conditions Like Eczema , Asthma, Warts, Acne, Hay fever.

Mind Related Conditions Like Depression and Anxiety, OCD, Fatigue, Anger, Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis, Vertigo, Sleeplessness.

Fertility Problems Like Male and Female Infertility, Polycystic Ovaries, Menopause, Pre Menstrual Syndrome.

Stomach Related Conditions Like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation, Kidney Stones, Piles, Poor Appetite, Mouth Ulcers, Acidity and Reflux.

Joint Related Conditions Like Arthritis, Gout, Back Ache, Sciatica, Muscle Problems.

Other Conditions Like Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Low Blood Pressure etc.